Event Photography
It is usually allowed to take photos with your phone without a flash during gigs, concerts, and other events. In some cases, this may be forbidden due to a request from the artist or the nature of the event. Please be aware that you will need permission before photographing and publishing photos of our staff or other event guests. When planning to publish photos of the artists for anything but your own personal use, you will need a press permission from a representative of the artist.
No professional camera equipment, such as system cameras or camera stands, can be brought to the premises without express permission. For copyright reasons, recording or filming of concerts is not allowed.
Event organizers are responsible for media accreditations for their own events. Members of the media or anyone taking pictures at an event for anything other than their own personal use are requested to directly contact the event organizer or us at tavara-asema(at)kulttuurikamari.fi, so we can forward your request.
Interested in Gig Photography?
Tampereen Kulttuurikamari has an active group of photographers with an avid interest in gig photography. If you are interested in joining this voluntary group of photographers, you are welcome to contact markkinointi(at)kulttuurikamari.fi. The group is now full and we don’t take new photographers in it.